Now, I'm not saying I would advocate a wind farm in Nantucket Sound--I haven't done enough research to make an intelligent decision in the matter--but I find it interesting that the biggest enemy of the project was Senator Ted Kennedy because the wind farm would be an eyesore visible from his family's compound. A compound that was built using money his father made while bootlegging during Prohibition, let's not forget.
Let us also remember here that not only is he the son of a criminal, but Teddy himself once killed a woman and fled the scene of the crime. Somehow, he got off with only a suspended sentence. People tend to forget that sort of thing when the fella later becomes 'the lion of the senate,' but I think it's an important fact to remember.
With that in mind, it is safe to say that while the dishonorable senator from Massachusetts clearly had no idea how to push health care reform through the Senate, he did know a thing or two about graft.

Don't believe me? The dirt still fresh atop his over-sized coffin, I believe what we are seeing here today is the result of many years of his hard work:
BOSTON — In a new setback for a controversial wind farm proposed off Cape Cod, the National Park Service announced Monday that Nantucket Sound was eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, guaranteeing further delays for the project.Nantucket Sound is a National Historic Place? It's the fucking ocean! There must be something else going on here...
Known as Cape Wind, the project is the nation’s first planned offshore wind farm and would cover 24 square miles in the sound, an area roughly the size of Manhattan. The park service decision came in response to a request from two Massachusetts Indian tribes, who said the 130 proposed wind turbines would thwart their spiritual ritual of greeting the sunrise, which requires unobstructed views across the sound, and disturb ancestral burial grounds.(courtesy nytimes.com)
The park service decision comes at a time when Mr. Cromwell’s tribe, which won federal recognition in 2007, is hoping to build a casino.Okay, now I get it. Teddy got some local Native Americans together, had them form a tribe, and promised them a casino if they promised to fight the Wind Farm. Brilliant move, right? I mean, who would ever win a legal fight against Native Americans? Aside from railroads, mining corporations, land speculators, and oil companies, of course...
Supporters of Cape Wind have pointed out that the Aquinnah Wampanoag’s land is on the western side of Martha’s Vineyard, which does not face Nantucket Sound.
Meanwhile, we all know once the Native American tribe gets their casino, they'll all be too drunk, broke, and spiritually disillusioned to ever make it to the other side of the island to see the sun rise anyway.
But that doesn't matter because you're forgetting the point of all this bullshit--all the Kennedys who aren't dead will have a fucking killer view from their house.
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