This is sending the wrong message. Trust me.
If you would just sit out these awful movies, maybe things will get better! Maybe Hollywood would decide to try anything--ANYTHING--to get you back! Maybe they would be forced to retreat to the shadowy domain of 1970s-style, auteur-controlled, character movies!
Be honest--who saw Pink Panther 2? Who? Jump off a cliff--you're ruining our chances! Now they will only make a third! And more Madea Goes To Jails and Paul Blarts! No! Noooooooo!!!
Where will the downward spiral end? A Brett Ratner remake of Weekend At Bernie's starring The Coreys and Burt Reynolds? Come on, people! Save yourselves from yourselves!
Is Burt Reynolds still alive? Howbout a remake of Smokey starring the Coreys as 'The Bandits', text-messaging their way across America's dead-cell-signal zones in a Prius, with Reynolds as the curmudgeonly old Sheriff on their tail! Golden!
I'm on the horn with Feldman's agent right now. You just made me a million dollars!
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