The economy is in the shitter. Unemployment is at the highest level in 25 years. Every day, more and more lives are shattered.
I had a feeling it would not be long until there was another big shooting spree and, sadly, I was right.
It was the nation’s worst mass shooting since April 16, 2007, when Seung-Hui Cho, 23, shot and killed 32 people in a dormitory and classroom at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Va., then killed himself in the largest shooting in modern American history. In the last month, 25 people, including 2 gunmen, were slain in three mass shootings, in North Carolina, California and Alabama.If you include the one in Germany recently, that now brings us to a total of...a lot. A lot too many.
Let me now just take a time-out to properly thank God that so many desperate, unhinged men across the Western World have such easy access to deadly weapons for no good reason.
Thankfully, the NRA has chosen to remain silent of late, or I might have had to convince some hillbilly to bust into their offices and self-defend them all to death just to get a point across.
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