No doubt the bear had good reason to bite the man in the neck, having been imprisoned, prodded, poked, and told what to do for how long now? Not to mention the fact that this bear was recently forced to appear in Will Ferrell's abysmal Semi-Pro--is that not reason enough to kill somebody?
As of yet, no decision has been made as to whether or not the bear will be snuffed out as part of the long-running, and sometimes unpopular, state-sponsored vengeance killing scheme, but let's hope he survives.
This bear is a bear of principal, and I respect that.
(photo: Cristina Bush, AP)
1 comment:
"Not to mention the fact that this bear was recently forced to appear in Will Ferrell's abysmal Semi-Pro--is that not reason enough to kill somebody?"
FUNNY. Thanks for making me laugh.
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