Gotta love it when a professionally-designed (and heinously ugly) poster for a multi-million-dollar movie* misspells an actress' name.
I didn't have to check imdb.com to see that her name really is ChriStine Baranski.
But I did.
And it is.
And she's scary looking, by the way.
And needs a new P.R. rep...
In other news, Mamma Mia--despite its inherent shittiness--will always have a special place in my heart.
Why? Because when I lived (for a month) at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada, I used to wake up every morning to the pungent smell of burning tobacco and the equally-pungent tunes of the promo for the Mamma Mia musical.
As if being hungover, underslept, and living in Vegas wasn't enough to make me want to jump out the window already...
The musical--based on, and incorporating, the tunes of ABBA, if you can believe it--was playing in a dedicated theater within the hotel and, therefore, one channel on our TV was devoted entirely to playing a promo for it in a continuous, unending, eternal, infinite loop.
My roommate would watch this channel for hours on end, seeing how long he could stand it; his tolerance was at the same time impressive and criminal.
And so, to Chainsaw Chuck Morton in Chicago--I know you been waitin' for this joint to drop for a long minute now, my man. Here you go--eat it up. You don't even wanna know the strings I had to pull to get this milk dud made...
*Believe it or not, this movie somehow cost $65 million to make, according to several websites I checked, including this one. Wow. Were the crew's water bottles made of solid gold?
I believe the budget, but I don't believe that's the real poster. That looks more like shitty fan artwork.
yeah that looks like someone's photoshop joke
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